My Selling Approach is Simple

Putting a home on the market may seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. When you have the right professional on your side, I’ll make sure everything falls into place.

That’s why I like to keep things simple. My strategy is rooted in your selling goals, and every step I take is designed to make sure you achieve them.

My approach has helped countless sellers across the Greater Greenville and Western Upstate/Lakes regions get the results they deserve – and it can do the same for you!

What I Bring To Your Sale

When I tend to your sale, I provide more than just my years of experience.
Here’s what I rely on to ensure your selling success:


I know what buyers are looking for, and I make sure your home fits the bill. From impactful preparations to world-class staging, I highlight your property’s best features.


When it comes to marketing your home, I blend the traditional with the cutting-edge. My unique strategies are guaranteed to capture buyer attention – and make your home stand out.


The moment I start the selling process, I have our eyes on the prize. Whether I’m pricing your home or negotiating on your behalf, I ensure that every detail leads to success.

Marketing With More Mileage

I shine a spotlight on your home with stunning marketing materials – then use the right online networks to spread the word far and wide.

Staging That Sells

Expertly-staged homes tend to sell quicker, and for more money. That’s why we work with a professional to create just the right aesthetic.

Phenomenal Photography

When it comes to marketing, high-quality photos are a must. We rely on skilled photographers to create images that draw buyers in.

Virtual Views

Technology can help build a sense of excitement around your home. With virtual tours, I bring buyers inside – and one stop closer to booking a showing.

Digital Reach

From targeted social media ads to online listings, I promote your property across the right websites and digital platforms to maximize its exposure.

My Steps to Selling Success

Over the years I’ve perfected the selling process. Here are the steps I’ll walk you through on your path to a successful closing.

01. Getting To know You

I’ll meet up to learn about your selling objectives. If you think we’re a good fit, I’ll start putting together a plan to price, market, and sell your home.

02. Preparing Your Property

To bring out the best in your home, I’ll suggest appropriate preparations and staging efforts. Then, I’ll tap into our professional network to bring them to fruition.

03. Spreading the Word

Next, I’ll carry out our marketing strategy by preparing your listing, putting together promotional materials, and performing ongoing online distribution.

04. Weighing Your Options

I’ll field any offers you receive, help you understand the implications of each one, and ensure you make a fully-informed decision.

05. Advocating For You

With your selling goals in mind, I’ll go to bat for you. While ensuring everyone is treated fairly, I’ll secure the best possible price, terms, and conditions.

06. Wrapping Up Your Sale

I’ll help coordinate your closing, take care of all the details, and be the first to congratulate you when you make a successful sale!

Have a Question?

Whatever’s on your mind, we're always happy to help you out. Ask us anything real estate-related and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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